Present activities within the current shed location are specifically designed to be varied and interesting with special emphasis on men’s health being an overriding consideration. Results of several member surveys show considerable interest in woodwork/metalwork, computer training, health information talks, fishing, music, socialising and photography are among the many activities members are interested in taking part in. The range of present activities has been tailored to the current site restrictions and will be expanded in accordance with member’s wishes within our new men's shed recently constructed.
Listed below is list of current shed activities with a brief explanation as to their arrangements. Information on shed activities can be found on the. Images of each shed activity can be seen on our "GALLERY" page this website
Computer Tuition:
Our Computer Group meets at the Shed on each Tuesday morning of the the month for tutorial meetings. We have several shed members who are quiet proficient at IT technology and are able to assist members from the very beginning of computer usage through to more advanced concepts of computer and social interaction technology. (See gallery for images)
A most important activity of our shed is our shed fundraising activities. Members are encouraged to assist with the various fundraising programs available to us. Shed fundraising activities comprise regular BBQ events at Bunnings Heatherbrae, various Markets and other venues as requested. We also hold regular raffles coinciding with our usual monthly general shed meetings. In addition to this fundraiser we levy an annual membership and $2.00 daily shed attendance fee to cover incidentals e.g. tea, coffee, power usage. Government and Business Grant assistance is assertively followed up by our Management Committee members. (See gallery for images)
Fishing Group:
A very popular interest with shed members is our fishing group. Regular outings to various local fishing spots are organised throughout the year (weather permitting) and though they don't always bring home a bucket of fish the outings are a lot of fun and provide a valuable chance to relax and socalise.
Fishing group meeting are regularly held at the shed every third Thursday morning of the month starting at 9:30am. A lot of very fishy stories are told about the "ones that got away (and some that didn't)" while arrangements are discussed over a hot cuppa as to their next planned outing. (See Gallery for Images)
Visits to places of interest:
An equally popular shed activity is our organised field trip visits to various informative and interesting places or industries within or around the Hunter Valley district. Depending on the location of these visits either a members "car poole" or a 40 seater "fun bus" is organised for the event. For example members have visitited places of interest such as our local "Weathertex Hardboard Factory" - 'Sandvik Mining Center" - 'Varley Engineering Tomago" - "Newcastle Fort Scratchley and Port Waratah Coal Loader" - with social visits to several Hunter Valley men's sheds. More of these activities are planned in the near future. (see gallery for images)
Cooking Program:
In May 2022 our shed members enrolled in the fourth of our cooking for 1 or 2 program activities. Ten shed members registered for the five week course which ran each Thursday morning concluding with a formal recognition certificate.
The cooking for 1 or 2 program is an imitative of and partly subsidised by the Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs in collaboration with students from the Newcastle University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition.
Each of the five session began with university students explaining forms of food etiquette such as safe food handling, good and bad eating habits, healthy foods to cook, benefits of healthy eating, nutritional benefits of healthy eating to name but a few topics covered during the program.
Each week saw our members have hands on experience in preparing and cooking a main healthy meal for the day including a desert both of which were then served for lunch to be sampled, eaten and commented on as to the success of the delicacy of the day. Meals such as "Beef and Gnocchi Casserole served with Orange pudding as desert, Asparagus, Tomato and Ricotta Frittata served with Apple crumble pie as desert. Pork and Hokkieen Noodle Stir Fry served with Pear and Sultana Rice pudding as desert were just some of the amazing delicacies produced during the program.
A side benefit of the program was the chance for shed members to socialise and enter into some friendly bantering throughout the course, members feed back on the program was extremely positive.
The Raymond Terrace Men's shed would like to thank the DVA, and students from the University of Newcastle for their involvement in this program. (See gallery for images)
Shed projects:
A large part of any men's sheds in general is the variance and quality of shed projects members become involved with. Raymond Terrace shed is no different here in that a great variety of projects are undertaken from week to week which provides members a chance to be involved , participate in meaningful activities while keeping skills learnt through their working live up to scratch. Projects undertaken are too numerous to mention here however a visit to our "Gallery" page (this web site) will show a wide variety of images showing some of our more recent completed shed projects. (See gallery for images)
WoodTurners Group:
Our shed is fortunate in having a number of members who are skilled and have considerable experience in the art of woodturning. We have several woodturning machines operating in the shed which allow this group to produce quality wood turning products. Woodturning facilities are available for use at any time during opening hours however each Wednesday of the week special attention in the way of tuition is given to those members wishing to learn to this interesting art.
(see gallery for images)
Metal Work
Our shed is fortunate in having a number of members who are skilled and have considerable experience in the art of Metal Work.The shed has a comprehensive range of metal work machinery and equipment which is used regularly to complete many projects requested by the public.
Music Group:
This activity is the latest interest introduced for members to be involved in. Several of our members expressed their interest in establishing a music group with some surprising talent shown at our first music sesssion in September 2014. Initial emphasis was placed on beginners guitar tuition however the number of experienced musicians attending quickly changed the group from beginners to advanced music skills while a couple of members will be needing to catchup fast on their guitar lessons. The group are regularly ask to perform for local community activities and support shed social activities throughout the year.
( See gallery for images)
Community Support:
Our shed members are actively involved with local community projects throught the year. Activities such as "Australia Day Celebrations" - " Market Place Christmas Fair" - "Anzac Day Ceremonies" - Lions Driver Reviver" "Bunnings community events" - Mens health awareness programs are some of the regular events we enjoy supporting. (see gallery for images)
Cards Group
A playing cards group has recently been formed as an additional shed activity meeting each Wednesday morning at the shed with the game of 500 or Euchre being the flavored games of the day. Many a cattle station has been lost and won during these sessions, at least that's what were told.
Men's Breakfast:
We currently meet for a Men's Breakfast at 7:30 for 8:00 am breakfast on the THIRD Saturday of the month, hosted by the Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Association at the Senior Citizens Centre, 17E Irrawang Street, Raymond Terrace. Bookings must be made with the Secretary of the Senior Citizens Association one week prior to the date. Bookings are capped at a maximum of 70 men. (see meetings page for image)