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Monthly general shed meetings are held at the local Raymond Terrace Men's Shed Meeting Rooms in 17G Irrawang St. Meetings are held the morning of the fourth Friday of each month.  A morning cuppa precludes the meeting room, with our meeting session beginning at 9:00am. A guest speaker is regularly organised for the meeting presenting on a wide variety of men's health matters and many other interesting topics, accompanied of course by the obligatory raffle, drawn some time through the morning. Our meetings are then followed with a social  BBQ under the awning where lunch is provided and a chance to meet, greet and socialise with shed members and just generally chew the bone over all sorts of topics and yarns.

Members attending a monthly Shed meeting

Shed members enjoying a beginners game of bowls

Time for lunch at the club BBQ pit

Local identity John "Stinker" Clarke as a guest speaker providing history on Oyster industry in the HUnter

Men's Breakfast

We currently meet for a Men's Breakfast at 7:30 for 8:00 am breakfast on the third Saturday of the month, hosted by the Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Association at the Senior Citizens Centre, 17E Irrawang Street, Raymond Terrace. Bookings must be made with the Secretary of the Senior Citizens Association one week prior to the date. Bookings are capped at a maximum of 70 men.

Members enjoying  a hot breakfast at the Senior Citizens Hall while listening to a guest speaker

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